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Bakery Machines

Bakery machines are as vital an ingredients to the baking process as are flour and butter for professional bakers, helping to ensure quality, ease of use and cost-effectiveness. Our range of Bakery Machines includes more than three fifty different type of machines for different baking processes.

Rack oven in a bakery.jpg


Rotary Rack Ovens / Deck Ovens / Tunnel Ovens

Convection Ovens

Convection ovens are one of the most common pieces of commercial bakery equipment. They do a great job of quickly and evenly baking a variety of products, from bread loaves to cookies to cakes, pies, and brownies. Their use of internal fans to circulate the air creates even browning and repeatable results. Of the types of ovens typically used in a bakery, a convection oven is the most common and least expensive.

Some high-end bakery convection ovens boast steam injection and other specialized features that can take your baked goods to the next level. For a more thorough breakdown of convection ovens, check out our convection oven guide.

Deck Ovens

Artisan-style bakers or those making specific types of breads often prefer a deck oven. Their stone cooking decks heat up, giving the crust a distinctive, crispy character, while maintaining a soft and moist inside. A deck oven takes up a considerably larger amount of space compared to a convection oven, so keep that in mind if space is limited. However, due to their relatively simple design and few moving parts, they last a long time and operate without a lot of hassle. Both single deck and multi-deck styles are available.

Roll-In Rack Ovens

A roll-in rack oven is similar in concept to a roll-in refrigerator or proofing cabinet in that you can wheel a pan rack full of goods right into the oven for baking. Some models will "grab" the pan rack and rotate them during the baking process for even results. The advantage of this style is time and labor savings due to less product handling.

You can save even more time if you have a roll-in proofing cabinet. In that case, you can simply load the pans full of product onto the rack, proof them, roll them into the oven for baking, and roll them out for cooling once you're done baking! If you're considering this style, make sure you have roll-in oven racks designed for this use; not all racks have high temperature casters.

Revolving Ovens

 A revolving oven has large revolving trays that you can load with product, similar in concept to a rotisserie style oven at a deli or market. These have a very high capacity and output capability, but are also quite expensive. Make sure your output needs and budget can justify the purchase of one of these units.

Industrial mixer kneading machine, at ki

Bakery Mixers

Planetary Mixers / Spiral Mixtures / High speed Mixtures

Mixing is one of the most critical and important operations in a bakery. The mixing stage allows “inert” dry and liquid ingredients to create a very reactive and dynamic system that can be then processed and transformed into value-added products.

Foams, cake batter emulsions, colloidal suspensions and doughs have all one thing in common: they are homogeneous mixtures that have a continuous phase and a discontinuous (dispersed) phase. Such systems can only be obtained by mixing and bringing their components together.

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Bread Dough Processing Machines

Dough Molder / Dough Divider / Dough Rounder / Inter-proover

After mixing, dough dividing is the next step in a bread production plant. Dough dividing implies the transformation/portioning of bulk or large masses of dough into countable or single pieces of dough that can be better handled and/or manipulated throughout the production line. Dough dividing is also the first step in the make-up stage.

Dough rounding is the second step in the make-up stage after dough dividing. During rounding, the divided dough piece is shaped into a ball for easier handling, and in some cases, coated with dusting flour to prevent dough pickup in the equipment’s product-contact surfaces, e.g., belt conveyors. This step is between the dough divider and intermediate proofer.

Dough moulding is the final step of the makeup stage in high-speed production of pan or loaf-type bread. It is a continuous mode operation, always receiving dough pieces from the intermediate proofer and placing them into pans.

The function of moulding is to shape the dough piece, according to the bread variety being produced, so that it properly fits into pans. Dough moulding equipment can be set to achieve the desired shape with a minimum amount of stress and strain on the dough.1

Biscuit depositing machine, equipment in

Cookey & Cake  Drop Machine  (Extruder)

Cookey Drop Machine / Cake Drop Machine

Cookies Machine is a type of shaping instrument that is required for giving variety of designs to the dry base of cookies by squeezing. It is utilized in bakeries and confectionery industries for mass production of biscuits. This machine can make food product in star, round, flat, spiral, and heart ... This machine can make more than five hundred designs of cookies from its rotary and wire cut attachments. 

Bakery machines: Work
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